

This is a course on how to flip used items for profit.

I've designed this course with two different groups of people in mind:

  1. People who want to flip used items for profit indefinitely.
  2. People who want to use flipping as the first step towards an automated retail business.

Either way, you will be able to get full value from the course. If you aren't sure what your end game is, there are some lessons in here that will help you figure that out.

I have done my best to pack the course full of detailed guides and instructions. It's all based on my own experiences buying and selling both new and used items over the past 10+ years, although I'm sure that I've overlooked some things.

If you have any questions that aren't addressed in the course, please ask them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner.

I also plan on adding to this course overtime, so your feedback and questions will be a big part of that.

Good luck!

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